Remove Logs

A couple of our web servers were running into some issues with disk space. Turns out the logs weren’t being cleaned up properly. In order to remediate this, I wrote a function that can be reused anywhere. The function accepts 3 parameters: FilePath: The directory where you want to remove the logs from CutOff; Specifies the age (in days) that a file must have before being deleted. LogPath; This parameter specifies the directory where you want the CSV log file....

6 September, 2016 · 3 min · Maarten Van Driessen

Install VIB on VMware ESXi

Today I got my shiny new host for the homelab. After installing ESXi, I noticed the 10 Gbit NICs weren’t being detected. After looking around a bit I found the drivers in the form of a VIB. Start by uploading the VIB to a datastore that is accessible to the host. Turn on the SSH service in the security section and fire up a session. Once connected run esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/NAS1-iSCSI/net-ixgbe_4....

29 June, 2016 · 1 min · Maarten Van Driessen

How to upgrade an IRF stack – incompatible firmware

When upgrading HP Comware switches that are part of an IRF stack, you want to use In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU). This allows you to do a rolling upgrade of the firmware while limiting the impact to just 1 switch in the stack. ISSU will reboot 1 switch in the stack, wait for it to come back up and then moves on to the next switch. Types of ISSU There are 3 types of ISSU:...

24 May, 2016 · 3 min · Maarten Van Driessen

When DFS Replication goes wrong…And how to fix it

A while back a client of ours had some issues with DFS replication between 2 nodes. One of the members reported a backlog of over 1 million files! Upon further investigation, I found the DFS database on that node got corrupted which caused it start the initial sync again. We let the process run it’s course over a couple of days but noticed the progress was incredibly slow. We were averaging about 3000 files / hour....

8 March, 2016 · 3 min · Maarten Van Driessen

Setting up IPSec VPN between Fortigate and Axsguard

If you’ve ever had the “pleasure” of building an IPSec tunnel between 2 endpoints from different vendors, you’ll know how smooth that usually goes. Today I was building a tunnel between a Fortigate 70D and an Axsguard Gatekeeper, as you can guess, things didn’t go as planned. Fortigate Let’s start by creating the tunnel on the Fortigate. Create a new tunnel and select the Custom VPN Tunnel template. Next, fill in all the phase 1 settings....

3 March, 2016 · 2 min · Maarten Van Driessen

Using VLANs on Fortigate 30D

While setting up a new Fortigate 30D for a client, I wanted to add a new VLAN for the guest Wi-Fi network. Usually, you just go into Network - Interfaces and add a new Interface there. On the 30D however, this option wasn’t there. After changing the device from switch mode to interface mode and back, I figured you can’t do it in the GUI. The only way to do it on a 30D is by using the CLI....

26 February, 2016 · 1 min · Maarten Van Driessen

Word 2013 High CPU usage

Late last week I had a client call me about Word acting slow. After a quick checkup, I noticed that Word was using 25 - 40% CPU. I hadn’t received any other reports so I assumed it was a one-off and recreated the document. This sorted the issue for that particular computer. Today I got the same report from a dozen more people. I started digging around in the documents that were having issues and noticed a drop in CPU usage when removing the header and footer....

16 February, 2016 · 1 min · Maarten Van Driessen